Release notes
Product Version | LiveData UI | LiveData Migrator | Hive Migrator | CLI |
3.0 | 14.0.4 | 3.0.4 | 2.3.6 | 1.22.3 |
Release Highlights
Verification Improvements and Extension - Repair
In this release, we've enhanced the verification feature to include a repair option. If inconsistencies are found during verification, users can now immediately repair them directly from the CLI. This improvement enables faster and more efficient issue resolution. Additionally, verification performance has been significantly improved with multi-threading, delivering quicker results in this release.
More information on Verification can be found here.
Iceberg Integration Update
In this release we’ve addressed issues when adding columns to partitioned tables, column and table renames, and inconsistent health check status. We’ve also included improvements in handling ORC tables, external tables, and overall performance for migrations to Iceberg on the platform. For more information on the bugs addressed please refer to the resolved issues below.
More information on the Iceberg metadata agent can be found here.
Secrets Store HashiCorp Updates
This release enhances secrets store integration, enabling configuration of HashiCorp Vault as a property source for sensitive application properties used in the UI and Hive Migrator. Additionally, the UI has been improved to better protect sensitive filesystem configuration, allowing you to reference credentials securely for S3 and ADLS Gen 2 filesystems.
For more information on secrets store integration see here.
Recurring Migrations Scheduling
Users can now create scheduled recurring migrations for their sources. This is best utilized when there is no event feed or the user chooses not to provide a method of event notification. Without an event feed, users can't utilize the "Live" functionality of Data Migrator, but with recurring migrations users can still take advantage of a scheduled scan to migrate changes over time. This feature has extended to GCS, AWS S3, GPFS, and S3 compatible sources.
Find more information on recurring migrations and scheduled recurring migrations here.
RBAC support in API updates
In this release, RBAC is fully supported across all Data Migrator components. Users can now configure migration management groups for their metadata migrations in the API with RBAC. Users can also push existing migration management configurations for their metadata migrations to the API as well. This allows existing users who have configured LDAP with RBAC to easily have the same configurations in the API and ensure consistency. In this release, we have also improved logging by providing an audit trail of users using the API. This allows organizations to easily track product usage for individuals who are utilizing the API for their migrations.
Find more information on API LDAP access control here and activity logs here.
RHEL 9 Support
Data Migrator 3.0 is now supported on RHEL 9.
CDP 7.1.9 Support
Data Migrator 3.0 is now supported on CDP 7.1.9.
Other Improvements
Additional properties have been added to allow configuration of concurrent threads to optimize migration performance and control concurrency. More information can be found here.
Metadata Migration
Metadata migration batch size is now configurable via the API. More information can be found here.
Resolved Issues
Data Migrator Core
LM2-8525 In-progress verification set to “complete” when migration is deleted
LM2-8478 User is unable to authenticate if license is expired
LM2-8466 Migration verification is not recorded in LM2 audit logs
LM2-8456 Resetting a data migration will remove the migration management group flag on the migration
LM2-8446 Incorrect behaviour when assigning non existent management groups
LM2-8445 Recurring migrations cause LM2 to fail completely and stop rescanning but appear healthy
LM2-8436 Audit logger is recording unnecessary authentication success in the LM2 DB
LM2-8432 LDM LocalFS implementation should support copying symlinks
LM2-8405 migrationPath and filesytemName are not specified in the UI notification
LM2-8386 MetadataUpdateEvent(s) creating noise in livedata-migrator.log
LM2-8377 Remove excessive logging from RegionDependentTracker
LM2-8372 Talkback trap inconsistent reporting
LM2-8354 Can't delete target FS with migration in UNSCHEDULED state
LM2-8345 Capture Bandwidth Rate Limit in Talkback
LM2-8338 Audit metadata returns incorrect actions
LM2-8330 Skip Action Policy - improve comparing files and directories
LM2-8302 Scanner is stuck at waiting for marker that is never received
LM2-8298 TWO_WAY_SCAN should not enter directories that are regex excluded
LM2-8284 Improve skipIfSizeMatch Action policy to be more efficient
LM2-8281 Reduce RPC calls in LocalFS open/create/mkdir operations
LM2-8262 ContentSummary future is swallowing exceptions silently
LM2-8237 LDM fails to start due to permissions error on audit log
LM2-8235 File System Controller delete by path should be restricted to target only
LM2-8051 AuthenticationController sends incorrect response when Basic Auth configured
LM2-8022 Talkback should check that commands exist before proceeding
LM2-8021 Talkback fails when not running as root
LM2-7181 Talkback should collect verification information
LM2-7103 Talkback should always include threaddumps
Hive Migrator
HVM-5130 Databricks agent can't run blocking task due to AgentMetaException
HVM-5128 NPE thrown in getUpdatedLocations method on local listeners
HVM-5127 Simpler and broad retry mechanism for LM2 rest failures
HVM-5114 When LDAP enabled HVM is unable to authenticate a user if it belongs to a group that isn't part of any role
HVM-5112 Data insertion errors Databricks Agents
HVM-5109 HVM doesn't require restart only for disable/enable MMG
HVM-5099 Incorrect behaviour when assigning non existent management groups
HVM-5098 Audit logger logging events twice
HVM-5094 Migration manager rule unable to create metadata migrations when the migration management group is disabled
HVM-5092 HVM is not retrying as per the configured connectionMaxRetries before failing a LM2 API call
HVM-5090 When login to HVM using CLI, HVM audit log doesn't record the user logged in
HVM-5089 HVM records the wrong role for LDAP users login
HVM-5085 503 causing Databricks ORC fallback transformation
HVM-5083 Databricks exceptions thrown when stopping active migrations
HVM-5077 Scan operations on source placing unnecessary load on metastore
HVM-5076 HVM doesn't insert audit logs in the log file
HVM-5073 Listener event ordering in database drop cascade causing error
HVM-5071 Race condition when a Drop table purge is followed by an Alter table changing the location to the purged location
HVM-5067 Listener operations can be executed out of order causing incorrect metadata on target
HVM-5066 Bad error message in CLI for the LDAP users that doesn't have sufficient authority
HVM-5063 Allow hive migration batch size to be configurable per migration via the API
HVM-5061 Unable to fetch audit logs when security is disabled
HVM-5054 Databricks issue with partition inserts on external tables CSV
HVM-5041 AUDIT_DIR breaks remote server install
HVM-5039 Remote Server upgrades - config file has wrong name / upstart edge case
HVM-5037 LDAP login leaks password to audit log
HVM-5033 Fix “list of one” partition causes stats collection issue
HVM-5019 Start/start all on a migration not assigned to the login user will throw error show the migration
HVM-5011 Databricks unable to migrate table with spark table properties without converting to delta
HVM-5010 Legacy Databricks migration failure seen if the partitioned table exists on the target
HVM-5009 Convert to Delta will create managed Delta tables
HVM-5005 Alter Table Set Location command fails for external tables to Databricks with unity catalog
HVM-4994 Pre-existing metadata objects count resets and counts up when issue is encountered
HVM-4959 Endpoint to fetch all management groups should return the current users groups
HVM-4928 HVM not issuing drop commands for DBFS on a legacy agent
HVM-4883 Hivemigrator stops sending metrics
HVM-4861 user agent is not being recognized by Databricks
HVM-4807 HVM Debian upgrades don't update config
HVM-4648 Migration Audit logs report a successfully applied create event after each failed create event
ONEUI-8247 TokenProvider dumps fingerprint hash to log if there is a fingerprint mismatch
ONEUI-8213 RemoteLoginService login should send unauthenticated requests to log in
ONEUI-8206 Deleting migration management groups while migration management group is disabled across all the components will not update the group list in HVM & LM2
ONEUI-8187 Metadata migration reports live in UI during prolonged initial scan
ONEUI-8181 Date & Time picker is still using standard input styling
ONEUI-8177 Add LDM and HVM UUID to Data migrator overview page
ONEUI-8173 LM2 unhealthy notifications not being generated by UI
ONEUI-8171 No Usage on Daily Breakdown for last day of the month
ONEUI-8160 Metadata rule search bar on migration create takes up full width
ONEUI-8154 Reset button is not removed in reset metadata migrations bulk actions post actioning
ONEUI-8148 Misalignment on API Access Control Page
ONEUI-8145 "Couldn't communicate with Hive Migrator" stays on the target agent page when the agent becomes healthy
ONEUI-8136 Metadata migrations display '100% Complete' in the ready state
ONEUI-8123 Unnecessary WARN message happens in the UI log with couldn't connect to HVM via HTTP while HVM is on HTTPS
ONEUI-8113 LDAP group name in management group is case-sensitive
ONEUI-8109 LDM_MIGRATION_VERIFICATION_SUMMARY sync fails with lots of migrations
ONEUI-8102 Improve metastore agent deletes
ONEUI-8100 Details stored in local storage need to be moved to session storage
ONEUI-8090 Sync issues with management groups in LM2 & HVM
ONEUI-8088 Renew license link opens in new tab/window showing login screen
ONEUI-8064 Iceberg Hive Agent "Metastore URI" default text and description uses inconsistent terminology and port
ONEUI-8063 Iceberg Hive Agent "Configuration Path" description text is incorrect
ONEUI-8061 Reset metadata migrations
ONEUI-8058 LDM backups are duplicated in the UI
ONEUI-8056 Successfully restoring from HVM backup should display correct message
ONEUI-8033 Improve handling of API request timeouts
ONEUI-7958 UI dumps full stacktrace in log when migration path is not found
LDMC-536 Update metadata migration batch size via the CLI
LDMC-532 Add Migration Stats --watch command to view migration stats
LDMC-528 Typo in verification help message
LDMC-526 Improve logic for handling error responses from HVM
LDMC-517 Consistent deletes for metastores and filesystems